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Homepage of the History and Traditions-Club of Weisenau, Mainz-Weisenau, Germany

This is the homepage of the History and Tradition-Club of Weisenau, Mainz-Weisenau in Germany and therefore unfortunately only available in german.

If you are interested in Weisenau, Mainz-Weisenau or you know that your anchestors came from this place - please feel free to contact us via email: roger.mosbach(at) or via our contact-form.

We are english-speaking and will always try to help you and will give you all information possible. If you need texts of this homepage translated for you we will try our very best to pass this on to you.

If you have any photographs or any information about Weisenau, Mainz-Weisenau or your anchestors coming from weisenau or you somehow know anything about the history or traditions of Weisenau we are happy to get anything you have at least as a copy and of course we will always quote the origin.

Our motto is - "We're doing it for Weisenau" and that means we are always doing everything to preserve the history and tradition of Weisenau and of course try to keep Weisenau present in future.

Your GBV-Weisenau (Geschichts- und Brauchtums- Verein Mainz-Weisenau e.V. - History and Tradition-Club Mainz-Weisenau - membership corporation)